IB Reward Program

Take part in one of our IB Reward Nominations
and get up to $1,000 to your IB account

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Each Quarter we reward our best Introducing Brokers. To get nomination, you should meet the minimum requirements of the program:

Volume Hit Reward

Prize for the highest trading volume

Introducing Brokers, whose referrals close over 200 qualified lots during the Quarter, will be rewarded at the end of the period. The minimum conditions, required for participation, and reward sizes are presented in the table below:

Nomination Conditions Reward size
Prime Over 200 standard lots per Quarter $300
Advanced Over 300 standard lots per Quarter $500
Pro Over 500 standard lots per Quarter $1,000

Best Leader Reward

Prize for the largest number of referrals

Introducing Brokers, who bring more than 10 new customers* during the Quarter, will be rewarded at the end of the period. The minimum conditions, required for participation, and the reward sizes are presented in the table below:

Nomination Conditions Reward size
Prime Over 10 new referrals per Quarter $300
Advanced Over 20 new referrals per Quarter $500
Pro Over 30 new referrals per Quarter $1,000

* Only the new customers, who have brought at least $300 Net Deposit for further trading will be considered for the nomination.

Net Victory Reward

Prize for the highest net deposit volume

Introducing Brokers, whose referrals bring over $10,000 Net Deposit* for their trading during the Quarter, will be rewarded at the end of the period. The minimum conditions, required for participation, and the reward sizes are presented in the table below:

Nomination Conditions Reward size
Prime Over $10,000 net deposit per Quarter $300
Advanced Over $20,000 net deposit per Quarter $500
Pro Over $30,000 net deposit per Quarter $1,000

* Net Deposit is calculated using the following formula: Net Deposit = Deposit Volume - Withdrawal Volume

Additional Efforts Award

Extra compensation for improvement of your results

You don't have to stop on your previous results. You can always get even higher reward. In case your results of the current Quarter exceed the results of the previous Quarter by 20% or more, then your reward size will be increased by 10%. Please note that the Additional Efforts Award applies only to those IBs, who participated in the IB Reward program during the previous quarter.

Main Provisions of the Program:

  • The periods of Quarters: 1st Quarter - January 1st till March 31st; 2nd Quarter - April 1st till June 30th; 3rd Quarter - July 1st till September 30th; 4th Quarter - October 1st till December 31st.
  • To participate in the particular Quarter of the IB Reward program, the IB has to register in it during this Quarter, by sending us a request with his IB account number, to partner@fxclearing.com.
  • The Reward is added to the balance of the IB account at the beginning of the next Quarter for the results of the previous Quarter during the first 15 days of the new Quarter.
  • In order to participate in the IB Reward Program, the IB has to meet minimum requirements of the program (to introduce at least 5 new active clients during the Quarter if not said otherwise).
  • Each IB can participate only in one of three reward programs during the Quarter.
  • The nomination for each IB is chosen automatically. In case if an IB wins a reward next Quarter for a different nomination, he or she can't be nominated for the Additional Efforts Awards.
  • The participants of the program automatically give their permission to publish the results of the program on our website. The results will include the participants' name, the Nomination, and the Reward size.
  • Abuse of the rules of the IB Reward Program or any attempt to defraud the system will lead to disqualification from the IB Reward Program and complete disqualification from the IB Program.
  • The company reserves the right to resolve any contentious issues between any of its participants at its own discretion;
  • The IB Reward Program is available till 31.03.2018.

In case you have any additional questions please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team.