If you are not already familiar with the concepts of quantitative tightening and easing, make sure to read our previous article. It's time to find out how the change in Fed policy could affect major markets.
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The US dollar is the world's reserve currency and remains one of the most robust and reliable currencies. For this reason, the dollar is traded against many currency pairs, both strong and weak. Some people may not know it, but sometimes a dollar can be exchanged for thousands or even tens of thousands of units of the cheapest world currencies. So, today, we will show you the ten lowest currencies in the world.
We’ll always have time to talk about something serious. Today, let's just relax and learn something interesting. What is the most expensive currency in the world? What makes it so? Most of you will not be able to answer these questions. Don’t give up. Here are the 10 most expensive currencies in the world this year.
This article will tell you about one of the most straightforward trading strategies, also known as the London daybreak strategy. You do not need a lot of experience if you want to trade using the London breakout strategy. So keep reading to learn more about Forex Bollinger Bands strategy.
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